Love, Light, and Other Privileged Bullshit
I believe it was Aristotle who once said, “Opinions are like assholes…everybody has one”. And although my citation might require a bit of fact checking, the rest seems pretty on point.
more →I believe it was Aristotle who once said, “Opinions are like assholes…everybody has one”. And although my citation might require a bit of fact checking, the rest seems pretty on point.
more →I believe it was Aristotle who once said, “Opinions are like assholes…everybody has one”. And although my citation might require a bit of fact checking, the rest seems pretty on point.
more →What is a corona? If you’d have asked me a couple of months ago, I would have probably described it as a gateway beer or an acceptable breakfast drink whilst on a beachy vacay. Now? Lord only knows. Oh, and Google. I’ll ask Google.
more →Perhaps unsurprisingly, much of the media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is more a reflection of public fear than reliable and accurate information about the disease itself. Despite extensive media attention highlighting tales of racism, discrimination, irrational stockpiling, and anti-social acts of resource guarding…let’s not forget we are all in this together.
more →Think about the last time you experienced gratitude. How did your body feel? What did you do with that feeling? And, most importantly, why did you feel grateful in the first place?
more →SHAME. It’s the emotional equivalent of an oil spill that pollutes our thoughts.
more →What would you be if you could be ANYTHING?
more →Sometimes my friends and I like to discuss very important topics, such
more →What does that even mean and how did I become one? Joseph
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